Forecasting Tides at Waitemata Harbour

Specify a date and this routine will calculate the tides for that day.

Input Data

Date: yyyymmdd format.

Time Base
NZ Standard Time (NZST)
NZ Daylight Time (NZDT)
NZDT goes from the last Sunday in September
to the first Sunday in April.

Tides for Waitemata Harbour:

18-Feb-2025 NZST(m above MSL)
High Tides Low Tides
11:11 1.098 04:42 -0.994
23:31 0.956 17:14 -1.046

Add crex.txt contains no data -2.819 m for storm surge.
Note: this applies only if you are forecasting for today.
Storm surge is explained here.

Acronyms of tidal parameters are explained here.
The effects of Moon's phases and apsides are explained here.

Please address enquiries to:
Derek Goring
Mulgor Consulting Ltd
New Zealand

This webpage is running on a Raspberry Pi