Mulgor Logo EQ at Seddon at 03:01:38 on 28-Oct-2020

Vertical Velocities recorded at Port Levy

EQ Details

Magnitude: 4.8
Depth: 31 km
Distance: 218 km
Estimated travel time of P waves: 31 s
Estimated travel time of S waves: 55 s

Travel times of P and S waves were derived from this website

Statistics of Signal at Port Levy
Sig. Height μm/s Sig. Period s % of Variance
Raw 55.76 0.282 100.0
T < 1 s 55.31 0.292 98.6
T > 1 s 6.88 1.6 1.4

Significant height and period are derived from a zero-crossing analysis of the wave signal after the arrival time of the p waves.
They are the averages of the highest third of the waves.